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Publikationer 2010-2014


J. Hvidhjelm, Sestoft, D., Bjorner, J. B. The Aggression Observation Short Form identified episodes not reported on The Staff Observation Aggression Scale-RevisedIssues in Mental Health Nursing, 35(6), 464-469.

Gottlieb, P., Gabrielsen, G., Kørner, A., Stølan, L. O. The impact of the Danish Medico-Legal Council on the choice between treatment and punishment for non-psychotic offendersNordic Journal of Psychiatry, 68(3), 213-218.

Sestoft D. M., Rasmussen, M. F., Vitus, K., Kongsrudd, L. The police, social services and psychiatry cooperation in Denmark—A new model of working practice between governmental sectors. A description of the concept, process, practice and experienceInternational Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 37(4), 370-375.

Kørner, A., Gabrielsen, G., Gottlieb, P., Stølan, L. O. Psychiatric diagnosis and criminal record determine the courts’ decisions”. Danish Medical Journal, 61(2).

Hvidhjelm, J., Sestoft, D., Skovgaard, L. T., Bue Bjorner, J. Sensitivity and specificity of the Brøset Violence Checklist as predictor of violence in forensic psychiatryNordic Journal of Psychiatry, 68(8), 536-542.


Bak, J., Zoffmann, V., Sestoft, D. M., Almvik, R., Brandt-Christensen, M. Mechanical Restraint in Psychiatry: Preventive Factors in Theory and Practice. A Danish–Norwegian Association StudyPerspectives in Psychiatric Care, 50(3), 155-166.

Gottlieb, P., Gabrielsen, G., Kørner, A., Os Støland, L. Mentally disordered non-psychotic criminal offenders – Treatment instead of punishmentNordic Journal of Psychiatry, 67(6), 400-406.


Bak, J., Brandt-Christensen, M., Sestoft, D. M., Zoffmann, V. Mechanical restraint – which interventions prevent episodes of mechanical restraint?- a systematic reviewPerspectives in Psychiatric Care, 48(2), 83-94.


Kongsrud, L., Sestoft, D., Rasmussen, M. PSP samarbejdet i Frederiksberg Kommune. Politi-Socialforvaltning-Psykiatri et sektorsamarbejde. Frederiksberg Kommune.


Kramp, P. Klienter idømt en psykiatrisk særforanstaltning. Samarbejdet mellem Kriminalforsorgen i Frihed og psykiatrien – og noget om behandlingen af psykisk syge kriminelle. Direktoratet for Kriminalforsorgen.

Kramp, P., Gabrielsen, G. Retspsykiatriske patienter og deinstitutionaliseringenUgeskrift for Læger, 39, 2709-2710.

Kramp, P. PsykosebegrebetUgeskrift for Læger, 17, 1273.

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